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Splints And Braces

Splints and braces are devices used to support and protect joints and bones. Splints are typically used to immobilize a joint to allow for healing or to prevent further injury, while braces are used to provide support and stability to a joint and may allow for some movement. Braces can be used to treat conditions such as sprains, strains, and arthritis, while splints are often used to treat conditions such as fractures, dislocations, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Both splints and braces are often made of plastic, metal, or fabric and are custom fit to the affected limb or joint.
Supports & Splints - Does damaging your bones or joints after a surgery or an injury frightens you and keeps you away from your day-to-day tasks? Do you need support to carry out these daily activities, but don’t want to be dependent on anyone? Support accessories post-surgery or an injury are essential to keep you on your feet without depending on others!
Shop the Best braces and Orthopedic Splints Online - Medgear Care has products that will support you from head to toe and make your day-to-day tasks easier. Some of these products are abdominal belts, cervical collars, ankle binder, wrist splint, posture support, back support, dorsolumbar back support, cervical support, shoulder support, braces, immobiliser, knee support, knee brace, wrist support, wrist and thumb brace, finger support, mallet splint, spine support, hip support and many other products. The products will not only support or protect you but also help you get better faster.
Get the support you need at your doorstep with Medgear Care. Act now for a better and independent living.
Buy a huge range of Splints, Supports & Braces at Medgear Care.
Mallet splint is a type of orthopedic device used to immobilise and protect an injured finger or thumb. It is typically used for conditions such as fractures, dislocations, and ligament injuries, and helps to reduce pain and promote healing. The splint consists of a padded section that fits over the affected area and a rigid section that extends down the back of the hand and wrist to provide stability.
Knee support refers to a device or brace that is worn to provide extra stability, reduce pain, and prevent further injury to the knee joint. Knee supports are often used to treat knee conditions such as osteoarthritis, ligament sprains, and knee pain caused by overuse or injury. They can also be used for protection during physical activity. There are various types of knee supports available, including neoprene sleeves, hinged knee braces, and patella stabilizing knee braces. It's important to consult a doctor before using a knee support to ensure it's appropriate for your specific condition.
Knee brace is a device worn around the knee to support and protect the knee joint. It can be used to treat a variety of knee conditions such as osteoarthritis, ligament injuries, and patellar instability, among others. Knee braces can also be used to prevent knee injuries during physical activity. They come in different materials and designs, including neoprene sleeves, hinged braces, and patella stabilizing braces. It is important to seek the advice of a doctor or physical therapist before using a knee brace to determine the best type and fit for your specific knee condition.
Thumb brace is a medical device used to support and immobilise the thumb to allow for healing or to prevent further injury. It is typically made of soft materials such as neoprene or foam and can be adjusted to fit snugly around the thumb. Thumb braces are commonly used to treat conditions such as sprains, fractures, and arthritis. They can also be used to prevent injuries during activities that put strain on the thumb, such as sports or manual labor.
Thumb stabiliser is a type of orthopedic brace or splint designed to provide support and stability to the thumb joint, typically used to alleviate pain and promote healing from conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, or ligament strains. The brace is typically made from a soft, flexible material and covers the thumb joint to limit its movement and provide stability. Thumb stabilizers come in different shapes, sizes, and materials and can be worn on either the left or right hand.
Elbow brace is a device that is worn around the elbow to provide support and stability to the joint. It is commonly used to treat elbow injuries such as tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, and elbow sprains, or to prevent them from occurring. It can also be used to help alleviate pain and discomfort in the elbow and to improve range of motion. Some elbow braces are designed with adjustable straps to allow for a customized fit and maximum support.
Elbow support is a type of brace or strap that is worn around the elbow to provide stability and support to the joint. It is commonly used to treat or prevent elbow injuries such as sprains, strains, and tennis elbow, as well as to relieve pain and swelling associated with conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Elbow supports can also help improve posture and reduce the risk of further injury.
Clavicle (collarbone) brace is a device used to support the clavicle bone in the event of injury or surgery. It is typically made of soft materials, such as foam or neoprene, and is worn over the shoulder to immobilize the clavicle and reduce pain. The brace is often used for conditions such as a broken or fractured clavicle, or to provide stability during the healing process following surgery.
Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition that causes pain in the heel and bottom of the foot. Plantar fasciitis socks are designed to provide support and comfort to individuals with this condition. They typically feature extra cushioning and arch support to alleviate pain and prevent further damage to the plantar fascia. Some plantar fasciitis socks may also have compression elements to improve circulation and reduce swelling. It is important to consult with a medical professional before using plantar fasciitis socks to ensure they are appropriate for your specific condition.
Cervical collar is a medical device used to support and immobilise the neck and head. It is often used in the case of neck injuries or conditions that affect the spinal cord. The collar helps to reduce movement and prevent further injury, and is typically made of foam or plastic materials. The collar is adjustable and can be tightened or loosened as needed, and is often used in conjunction with other treatments such as physical therapy or surgery.
Neck brace is a device used to support and immobilize the neck, typically following an injury or surgery. It can help to reduce pain and prevent further injury by limiting the movement of the neck. Neck braces come in a variety of shapes and materials, and are often used in combination with other forms of treatment such as physical therapy and pain medication. It's important to follow the instructions of a medical professional when using a neck brace, as improper use can lead to further injury.
Palm protector is a protective device worn on the hand to prevent injury or to cushion the impact during activities that may cause harm to the palms. It is often used in sports like baseball, softball, and tennis, or in manual labor that involves repetitive hand movements. The material used to make palm protectors can range from foam to leather, and they come in various shapes and sizes to fit different hand sizes and grip preferences.
Elbow brace sleeve is a type of protective gear worn to support the elbow joint and reduce pain and discomfort from conditions such as tendinitis, bursitis, and arthritis. It is usually made of a stretchy material that provides compression and helps stabilize the joint. Some elbow brace sleeves also have additional padding to protect the elbow from impact. The purpose of an elbow brace sleeve is to alleviate symptoms and improve function, not to cure underlying conditions.
Elbow strap is a type of orthopedic support commonly used to alleviate pain and stabilize the elbow joint. It typically consists of a strap that wraps around the forearm and elbow, and is tightened using Velcro or other adjustable fastening systems. Elbow straps are commonly used to treat conditions such as tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), golfer's elbow (medial epicondylitis), and other types of overuse injuries. They can also be used to provide support and protection during physical activity, helping to reduce the risk of further injury.
Elbow support is a device designed to provide support and stability to the elbow joint, typically used to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with conditions such as tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, or sprains and strains. They can be made from materials such as neoprene, foam, or fabric and can be worn during activities or as a means of immobilization during healing. Elbow supports can come in different shapes and sizes and may have adjustable straps or hinges for added support.
Knee compression sleeve is a type of support worn around the knee to provide compression, stability and support to the knee joint. They are often made from flexible materials like neoprene or spandex and are used to relieve knee pain, manage knee injuries, and provide extra support during physical activity. They can be worn for both athletic and non-athletic activities.
Carpal wrist support is a device worn around the wrist to provide stability and support for the wrist joint, particularly for people who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome or other wrist conditions that cause pain and weakness. These supports are often made of neoprene or other stretchable material and can be adjustable to fit different wrist sizes. They can help to reduce pain and prevent further injury, allowing for improved function and mobility of the wrist.
Wrist strap is a small band or bracelet that is worn around the wrist for various purposes, such as providing support, securing an item, or as a fashion accessory. In photography, a wrist strap is a safety strap for a camera, to prevent it from dropping and being damaged. In sports, wrist straps are used to support the wrist and alleviate pain or injury. There are also wrist straps used for wearable technology devices, such as smartwatches, to secure them to the wrist.
Finger contracture cushion is a device used to prevent or alleviate finger contractures, which are a condition in which the fingers become permanently bent in a fixed position. The cushion is typically made of soft, pliable material and is placed over the affected finger to maintain a proper and comfortable position, allowing the finger to stretch and preventing it from becoming fixed in a contracted position. This type of device is commonly used by individuals who have suffered from a stroke or other neurological conditions that cause muscle weakness or paralysis.
Palm contracture refers to a condition in which the skin, fascia, and/or muscles of the palm of the hand become scarred, thickened, and/or tightened, causing the fingers to curl inward and the hand to become deformed. This can occur as a result of burn injuries, injury from crush injuries or a congenital disorder. Treatment typically involves skin grafts, hand therapy, Palm contracture, Palm Contracture Grip, Palm Contracture Cone With Finger Separators, Rolyan Sof-Foam Palm Shield , Palm Protector With Finger Separator , Rolyan Palm Shield and splinting, and in severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.
Shoulder support refers to a device that provides extra stability and compression to the shoulder joint to help alleviate pain and discomfort. It can be used to treat various conditions such as rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulder, and sprains. Shoulder supports come in different forms such as straps, wraps, sleeves, and braces and are made from materials such as neoprene, elastic, and foam. They can be worn during physical activity or as a daily support to help improve posture and provide relief from pain.
Sacroiliac support belt is a type of orthopedic device used to provide support and stability to the sacroiliac joint, which is located at the base of the spine and connects the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine) to the hip bones. It is typically worn to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which can result from conditions such as arthritis, injury, or pregnancy. The belt works by applying pressure and reducing motion in the joint, helping to reduce pain and promote healing.
Shoulder brace is a support device worn around the shoulder to provide stability and reduce pain. It is commonly used for conditions such as rotator cuff injuries, dislocated shoulders, and chronic shoulder pain. It can be made from various materials, such as neoprene or elastic, and may be adjustable for a customized fit. The type of brace and level of support required depends on the specific injury and individual needs.
Shoulder orthosis (also known as a shoulder brace or sling) is a device worn on the shoulder to support and immobilize the joint, promote healing after injury or surgery, or alleviate pain. It is typically made of a flexible material such as neoprene or a combination of straps, Velcro fasteners, and padding to provide comfort and stability to the shoulder. The type of orthosis used depends on the specific condition being treated and the individual's needs.
Wrist support is a device designed to provide stability and support to the wrist joint, which helps alleviate pain and discomfort associated with conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and wrist sprains. Wrist supports come in various forms, including wrist braces, splints, and sleeves, and can be used for both therapeutic and preventative purposes. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before using a wrist support to ensure that it's appropriate and properly fitted for your specific needs.
Wrist brace is a device used to support and immobilize the wrist joint. It is often used to treat wrist injuries, such as sprains or strains, and to alleviate pain from conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome. The brace is typically made of a soft, flexible material and fits around the wrist and hand. It can be adjusted for a customized fit and may have metal stays for added support.
Wrist and hand soft splint is a device used to immobilize and support the wrist and hand to treat conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains, and fractures. The splint is typically made of soft, flexible materials such as neoprene or foam and can be adjusted for a comfortable fit. It may have straps to secure the splint in place and can be worn during the day or at night. The purpose of a wrist and hand soft splint is to reduce pain and swelling, promote healing, and prevent further injury.
Maternity belt is a supportive garment worn by pregnant women to provide comfort and support to the abdominal area during pregnancy. It is designed to alleviate the strain on the back and pelvic muscles caused by the added weight of the baby and to help the woman maintain good posture. Maternity belts come in various styles, including those that wrap around the waist and others that are worn like a band around the lower back.
Pregnancy support brace is a type of wearable support designed to help relieve pain and discomfort experienced by some women during pregnancy. It provides support to the abdominal and lower back muscles, helping to alleviate stress on the lower back and hips caused by the increased weight of the uterus. This type of brace is typically made of flexible, supportive materials and is worn around the waist and lower back, providing a comfortable and adjustable fit for women at different stages of pregnancy.
Hip groin support is a type of brace that is designed to provide support to the hip and groin area, typically used to relieve pain or discomfort in this region. It may help alleviate symptoms of hip joint problems, hip bursitis, groin strains, or other hip and groin injuries. The support is usually made of a flexible material, such as neoprene, that is worn around the waist and fits snugly around the hip and groin area. It may also have adjustable straps to allow for a custom fit and increased support.
Groin Strap is a type of athletic support worn to help prevent injury to the groin area. It is often worn by athletes who participate in high-impact sports, such as football or hockey, to provide extra support to the muscles and joints in the groin area. The strap is typically made of elastic material that is adjustable to fit comfortably around the waist and legs.
Back brace is a device used to support and stabilize the spine, relieve pain, and improve posture. It can be made of various materials such as neoprene, elastic, or plastic and is commonly used for conditions such as lower back pain, scoliosis, spinal stenosis, herniated discs, and muscle strain. The type of back brace used depends on the specific condition and the severity of the symptoms. It is important to consult a doctor or physical therapist before using a back brace for proper sizing and to ensure it is the appropriate treatment for the individual's specific needs.
Back support refers to any device or product that is designed to support the back and improve posture. This can include products such as lumbar cushions, back braces, and ergonomic office chairs. The goal of back support is to reduce strain and pressure on the back, preventing or reducing pain and discomfort, and promoting good posture.
Dorsolumbar back support is a device used to provide support and stability to the lower back region, also known as the dorsolumbar spine. It is commonly used to alleviate pain and discomfort caused by strain, injury, or poor posture. It is designed to fit around the waist and can be made of a variety of materials, including foam, plastic, or neoprene. The level of support provided by a dorsolumbar back support may be adjusted through the use of straps or other fastening mechanisms.
Lumbar support back brace is a device worn around the lower back to provide support and stability to the lower spine, and alleviate pain caused by conditions such as lower back strain, sciatica, or herniated disc. It often features adjustable straps and padding for a comfortable fit and can be worn over clothing. It can also help improve posture and reduce the risk of further injury. However, it is recommended to consult with a doctor or physical therapist before using a lumbar support back brace to ensure it is the right treatment for your specific condition.
Thoracic lumbar brace is a type of back brace used to support the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine. It is commonly used for conditions such as lower back pain, herniated disc, spinal stenosis, and scoliosis. The brace helps to alleviate pain and provide stability to the affected areas, allowing for improved mobility and comfort. The thoracic lumbar brace is made from a combination of materials, including elastic, neoprene, and plastic, and can be worn over or under clothing.
Good posture is important for spinal support, as it helps distribute weight evenly and reduces stress on the spine and other joints. Maintaining a neutral posture while standing, sitting, and moving can help prevent pain and injury. A neutral posture involves keeping your head and neck in line with your spine, your shoulders relaxed and back, your chest lifted, and your lower back slightly curved. If you sit for long periods of time, it's important to take regular breaks and stretch to avoid stiffness and strain. Additionally, using ergonomic furniture and equipment, such as a chair with good lower back support and a computer monitor at eye level, can also help improve posture and spinal support.
Buy Posture Support Online Australia. Posture support refers to various devices, techniques or exercises aimed at promoting and maintaining proper alignment of the body when sitting, standing or lying down. This can help reduce discomfort and prevent strain on muscles, joints and bones. Examples of posture support devices include ergonomic chairs, back braces, posture correctors and lumbar rolls. Good posture habits and exercises can also be incorporated into daily routines to improve overall posture and support.
Posture brace is a wearable device designed to help individuals maintain proper posture and align their spine. It works by gently pulling the shoulders back and aligning the spine, which can reduce pain and discomfort associated with poor posture. Some posture braces are designed to be worn discreetly under clothing, while others are more visible and worn over clothing. They can be used for a variety of conditions, including rounded shoulders, forward head posture, and slouching. It is important to note that while a posture brace can help improve posture in the short-term, maintaining good posture requires conscious effort and muscle strengthening exercises in the long term.
Ankle brace is a device worn around the ankle to support and stabilize the joint. It can be used for injury prevention or to provide support during physical activity, as well as for treatment of conditions such as sprains or strains. There are several different types of ankle braces, including lace-up, slip-on, and hinged braces, and the appropriate type depends on the specific condition and needs of the user.
Ankle support is a device used to provide stability and reduce pain or discomfort in the ankle joint. It can come in various forms, such as braces, straps, or sleeves, and is commonly used to treat ankle sprains, instability, and other ankle injuries. Ankle support can help to improve balance, increase joint stability, and reduce the risk of further injury. It can also be used as a preventive measure to reduce the risk of ankle injuries during physical activity.
Hernia belt is a device worn to support the abdominal area and alleviate pain caused by a hernia. It is designed to hold the hernia in place and reduce the strain on the affected area. Hernia belts can be worn under clothing and are commonly used in conjunction with other treatments such as surgery, medication, or lifestyle changes.
Night splint is a device worn during sleep to keep the foot in a specific position, usually with the ankle at a slight angle to relieve tension on the Achilles tendon and plantar fascia. It is commonly used to treat conditions such as plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, and calf muscle cramping. Night splints can be worn on the ankle or foot and are designed to be comfortable to wear while sleeping.
Hand positioning splint is a device used to maintain the proper position of the hand and fingers, typically for medical reasons such as to alleviate pain, improve range of motion, or prevent further injury. It is commonly used for conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, or post-operative rehabilitation. Hand positioning splints can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, metal, or fabric, and come in various shapes and sizes to fit different hand sizes and specific medical conditions.
Hand and wrist splint is a device worn to immobilise the hand and wrist to support and protect them from injury or to alleviate pain and swelling. They are commonly used for conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist sprains, and fractures. Splints can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, foam, and metal, and come in a range of shapes and sizes to fit different individuals and injury types. They can be worn for short or extended periods of time, depending on the individual's needs and the recommendation of their doctor.
Double padded security mitts refer to gloves used for restraining individuals for safety reasons, typically in law enforcement or medical settings. These gloves are designed with double padding to prevent injury or discomfort to the person being restrained, while still allowing the individual to be securely held.
Orthosis is a type of medical device that is used to support, align, prevent or correct the function of a limb or the spine. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions including arthritis, injury, or physical disabilities. Orthoses can be externally applied and can be made from a variety of materials, such as plastic, metal, or fabric, depending on the specific needs of the individual. Examples of orthoses include braces, splints, and prosthetics.
Thigh brace is a device that is worn around the thigh to provide support and stability to the thigh joint and muscles. It is commonly used to alleviate pain, swelling, and instability caused by injuries such as sprains, strains, or knee replacement surgery. It can also be used to help manage conditions like arthritis, bursitis, and tendinitis. Thigh braces are available in a range of materials, including neoprene, foam, and nylon, and come in different sizes to fit different body types.
Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) brace is a device worn to support the knee and stabilize the PCL, which is one of the main ligaments that connect the thigh bone to the shin bone. PCL injuries are less common than ACL injuries, but a PCL brace can help provide stability and reduce the risk of further injury for those who have suffered a PCL tear or sprain. The brace is typically made of lightweight, breathable materials and can be worn during physical activity to provide extra support for the knee.